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Nap Time!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A few more

Along these lines, I've got a few more e-mails. One is very similar, by the same person to the same lists. Another, more worrying one, comes from Anurati Mathur, and appears to have been sent to EAVP e-mail lists.
Hi you all,

As you know, the events of the last few weeks on campus have created an uproar not only concerning the safety of students on campus, but also the role of elected officials in partaking in or inciting such altercations.

John Moghtader, a current ASUC senator, was involved in the violence that ensued. To hold our elected officials accountable is our responsibility, and to that end, 5 Boalt Law School students have drafted the following petition to remove John from office (1000 signatures are required to begin this process as per ASUC bylaws). You all know where I stand on this issue, but if you feel similarly, I highly encourage you to visit: www.no2hate.org, read the text, and sign the petition.

Please publicize this on your organization's listserves, your websites, your Facebook status/site, and your status messages on gChat and any other venue.

Please remember that now that the petition is active, it's up to its supporters to gather the required number of signatures ASAP.



PS: You can contact the law students directly at [e-mail here].

PPS: If you choose to notify your friends, please do not forward my e-mail, but rather, write your own. Thanks.
The analysis with respect to the rules is probably the same (the most significant one being that there's no one really to hold reponsible), but using the tools of ASUC offices to push for a recall of an ASUC Senator is enormously unethical, in my opinion.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 2/25/2009 10:13:00 PM #
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