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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
This week, on ASUC

I've found my way onto the mailing list, and so, this week's proposed bills are:

A Bill in Support of Clarification of Groups Affiliated with Cal Rec Club Sports Clubs through the Amendment of Bylaw Title II, Article III: Albert Wu has already distinguished himself as being a bit loose in terms of rule understanding, and here he proposes "that Title II, Article III, of the ASUC Constitution be amended to include:" some stuff. So, no, it's not actually a Constitutional amendment. The target is actually the By-Laws, which I think are supposed to define some stuff for the Cal Rec Club, which I'm not familiar with.

A Bill in Support of the ASUC Publications Director's Utilization of Facebook: Here, Wu is interested in seeing "that Title I, Article IX, Section 2 of the ASUC
Constitution outlining the role of the Publications Director be amended to include:" some stuff. Again, not a Constitutional amendment. I hope that Wu understands the distinction between the Constitution and By-Laws.

Anyway, this bill gives the Publications Director the job of maintaining his Facebook group, and putting up a bunch of information that really belongs on the ASUC website, rather than on some other guy's servers. I will give him credit for posting the committee appointments there, though.

By the way, Article IX, Section 2 involves the Attorney General. This probably is supposed to be aimed at Article IX, Section 5.2, which falls under the duties of the Public Relations (and not the Publications) Director.

A Bill in Support of Groups that Exist And Better Representation of Student-Athletes: I like Gabe Weiner's style:
Whereas, Title I, Article XI, Section 13 of the ASUC By-Laws states that "at least once [sic] Senator shall be elected by the Senate to represent the Senate to the Athletic Captain's Council...";
Whereas, The Athletic Captain’s Council does not exist;
Whereas, Electing a Senator to represent the Senate to a group that doesn't exist is a waste of time; and
Whereas, The Cal Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (Bear SAAC) exists;
Whereas, The Cal Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (Bear SAAC) is a group that represents Berkeley student-athletes;
And then the requisite correction.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 9/04/2007 06:09:00 PM #
Comments (2)
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Is the Publications Director the same as the Publication's Adviser? If so I have no idea what the hell that bill could mean because, well, the pubs adviser's only job is to help student publications and run the pubs center, not to advertise or publicize ASUC departments or bodies.

Oh wait, that's right, I graduated and I'm not there anymore. Sorry, sorry, carry on.
I'm sure it's a mistake, and he meant public relations director
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