Tuesday, September 04, 2007
This week, on ASUC
I've found my way onto the mailing list, and so, this week's proposed bills are:
A Bill in Support of Clarification of Groups Affiliated with Cal Rec Club Sports Clubs through the Amendment of Bylaw Title II, Article III: Albert Wu has already distinguished himself as being a bit loose in terms of rule understanding, and here he proposes "that Title II, Article III, of the ASUC Constitution be amended to include:" some stuff. So, no, it's not actually a Constitutional amendment. The target is actually the By-Laws, which I think are supposed to define some stuff for the Cal Rec Club, which I'm not familiar with.
A Bill in Support of the ASUC Publications Director's Utilization of Facebook: Here, Wu is interested in seeing "that Title I, Article IX, Section 2 of the ASUC Constitution outlining the role of the Publications Director be amended to include:" some stuff. Again, not a Constitutional amendment. I hope that Wu understands the distinction between the Constitution and By-Laws.
Anyway, this bill gives the Publications Director the job of maintaining his Facebook group, and putting up a bunch of information that really belongs on the ASUC website, rather than on some other guy's servers. I will give him credit for posting the committee appointments there, though.
By the way, Article IX, Section 2 involves the Attorney General. This probably is supposed to be aimed at Article IX, Section 5.2, which falls under the duties of the Public Relations (and not the Publications) Director.
A Bill in Support of Groups that Exist And Better Representation of Student-Athletes: I like Gabe Weiner's style:
Whereas, Title I, Article XI, Section 13 of the ASUC By-Laws states that "at least once [sic] Senator shall be elected by the Senate to represent the Senate to the Athletic Captain's Council..."; Whereas, The Athletic Captain’s Council does not exist; Whereas, Electing a Senator to represent the Senate to a group that doesn't exist is a waste of time; and Whereas, The Cal Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (Bear SAAC) exists; Whereas, The Cal Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (Bear SAAC) is a group that represents Berkeley student-athletes; And then the requisite correction.
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