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Nap Time!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006
You can thank me later

Judging from this, Beetle Beat has picked up a lot of readers who just don't get the humor of Beetle Beat. These people hate fun and joy and laughter, I think. In my infinite generosity, I'll indulge folks with an explanation of the joke.

The first fundamental joke is the idea of taking what folks say at face value, especially when dealing with Student Action and those related to it. Obviously, if you're familiar with Student Action, you already get why this is funny, but if you don't, here's a hint: Student Action lies, and doesn't feel the slightest bit of shame about it. Here's an example, if you want it, particularly in terms of "one-day chalk."

The second fundamental joke is that, as a dude, I brag about my awesomeness in situations where I probably shouldn't. The fact that I even feel obligated to explain this troubles me, but I guess in our highly feminized school system, folks miss this.

So, in the case at hand, we have the following facts:

A person has "heard" that I spend a lot of time "attacking" student government.
This person is not an avid Beetle Beat reader.
This person's opinions reflect "an aggregation of the negative views" of friends.
This person says that I blog about Student Action all the time.
There are no posts about Student Action on my front page at the time.

If you take all this at face value, this person has to have heard Student Action folks bitching about me, because how else would my blogging on Student Action come to light? Again, taking it at face value is part of the joke.

Further, (taking statements at face value) I was part of the information effort earlier this semester when a bunch of us derailed the plan to pay Student Action for their lawyers. They hired the lawyers also in part because of our efforts over the summer. Therefore, if Student Action is to be believed (haha), I helped cost each Student Action executive $5669.75, giving them plenty of reason to hate me. (This is, by the way, hilarious in its own right)

Pat gets that, despite my complete unimportance, for any Student Action folks to even go through the effort of badmouthing me is a fairly sad commentary on their status, and positive commentary on my awesomeness.

Thus, as a dude, it is my responsibility to trump this up far beyond what makes reasonable sense, and claim that I am totally awesome.

Again, if you don't understand why this is funny, it's because your sense of humor is puny. That's okay. We all have our shortcomings. But if you don't get the humor, you don't need to stick around, you know.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 12/15/2006 12:15:00 PM #
Comments (2)
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Okay, Beetle, you can be awesome, I just play the guy that more or less rehashes everything you say.

Unless I beat you to it, which I've done once or twice :-)

Why am I even saying anything about this? I guess I'm just bragging about my awesomeness.
i get the humor - hah!
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