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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It seems that Nad Permaul's ominous declarations of "zero tolerance" policies when it comes to chalking did not actually stop folks from chalking. Chalk, which only lasts one day, blankets the sidewalks around campus, and tells us that CalSERVE likes turtles and arrows. (Note that CalSERVE's committment to diversity doesn't include downward arrows. Fucking directionists) Student Action doesn't appear to have any such thematic coherence, though I'm not sure whether that's a bad or good thing.

On Monday, I did notice some chalk seemed erased.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 3/31/2009 09:07:00 PM #
Comments (2)
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Chalk last much longer than a day, Beetle. If you go over it once every couple days it's fine.
I think he was being sarcastic.
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