Thursday, February 26, 2009
No, no, Jesus fucking Christ no
Whazooowawell? That's the only intelligent thing I could think of to say to this:
Sinanian said he is currently looking into an ASUC senator who may have advocated for a particular side during the recall, in violation of the bylaws. I actually have this info, too. There's a certain senator (let's just call him "J.M." for privacy) who was really strongly opposed to it. He would write op-eds and campaign and such.
Why on Earth would it be a violation of the By-Laws for a Senator to be an advocate in an election? What next? "Investigation revealed that Student Action Senators were campaigning on behalf of the Student Action party for the general election. OMFG!!!"
The unprecedented recall election of ASUC Senator John Moghtader concluded Tuesday, but voters may have to wait up to a week before results are released.
The delay in determining election results is in part because votes have not yet been sorted by the technical staff, who must review voter data before a tally can be made, said ASUC Elections Council Chair Emily Liedblad.
ASUC Attorney General Michael Sinanian said the results could be available by tomorrow at the earliest. Er, no. The delay is because the By-Laws require the delay, in order to facilitate the Student Action/CalSERVE agreement not to hold each other responsible for campaign By-Law violations. That delay takes us to next Tuesday, so the results probably won't be available by Friday, unless the Elections Council Chair has changed her mind since last night. A further delay for dealing with the AirBears issue may extend it to Thursday.
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