Thursday, February 07, 2008
Too slow!
The damage control issue I mentioned earlier is rearing its head:
Berkeley City Councilmembers Laurie Capitelli and Betty Olds submitted an item for Tuesday's council meeting to rescind the decision to send the military center the controversial letter.
"I determined long before (DeMint) made his inflammatory statement that I had made a mistake and that I was going to introduce an item to correct it," Capitelli said.
Olds said the federal threat to cut funds did not play a role in their decision to create the new resolution.
"We're rescinding it because we think it was wrong to do," she said. I already knew Olds held her position before the funding threat, and I'd not be surprised to find that Capitelli did, too. Still, this is one of those "no take-back" situations, where the truth will give out to the image, and the City of Berkeley will come off looking cowardly. This is why it's typically a good idea to just take a stand and not do stupid things, rather than hoping to reverse the stupidity later when it's convenient to take the stand.
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