Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Weren't Obama and Clinton supposed to be neck and neck in California? Obama's getting creamed by Clinton. Maybe it's that "I'll tell a pollster I'll vote for a black man, but..." thing.
Prop 92 got flattened. Prop 91 is doing pretty well for a measure that even the supporters want you to vote no on. Prop 93 is a little behind, but usually the later returns tend more liberal, which in this election means pro-93 for some reason. (I would think even average Joe would be pissed off at the dishonesty of Prop 93, and it's doing a lot better than I expected)
Ron Paul is behind Rudy, who isn't even running. Fred Thompson's doing pretty well for a no-longer-running candidate, too.
Both measure A and B are getting smushed, because everyone hates hospitals and children. Clinton is actually leading in Alameda, though the late-return effect would probably be even more pronounced for Obama.
"Write-in" is leading the Libertarian slate with 63 votes (with 35.71% reporting) for Alameda. Alameda also likes being lied to, and has Prop 93 in the lead.
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