Tuesday, January 29, 2008
ASUC stuff coming up
There's a bill for next week adding Executive Officers to the list of folks who have to hold the highly-demanded and frequently-used office hours that every student tries to attend.
Another bill seeks to combine the Queer Resource Center and the Queer Alliance because of drama between the two groups. It includes this odd clause:
Resolved, that the actions of the current interim leadership of Queer Alliance and Queer Resource Center be made ineligible for charges as unconstitutional according to the student groups' constitutions in the Judicial Council since constitutional function was made impossible by previous leaderships' inadequacy and unconstitutional behavior... It seems odd both in granting immunity and in somehow excusing groups from their previous actions simply because they were under different leadership. Groups have continuity in the ASUC, and it affects funding decisions and space assignments. I don't see how groups can simultaneously deny responsibility for their past when they use that past to gain ASUC benefits. Then again, maybe I'm misreading the clause.
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