Thursday, October 11, 2007
Weren't we trying to get rid of the SAT Is because they didn't add any predictive power to the SAT IIs? Now we're getting rid of the SAT IIs, I guess. Eventually, we will reach the racial quota lottery system we've all been pushing for.
"UC has a long experience with all aspects of the admissions process, and one thing that is consistently observed is that performance on elective subject tests don’t add a lot of predictive power to regression models of how students will actually do when they come to UC," said Mark Rashid, chair of the board and professor of civil and environmental engineering at UC Davis. Oh, come on. This is a professor. You can't use a conclusion like this on a selected sample. If you use the SAT II to determine who gets into UC, you can't then use it as a predictor among those folks who got into UC.
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