Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Last week, on ASUC
So, I seem to have dropped off the mailing list for agenda packets and minutes for the ASUC. I'll try to get back on. In the meantime, I finally secured last week's agenda packet, of stuff that, I guess, might be voted on tomorrow. Since the ASUC doesn't report what happens in committee until 9 days later (that is, 7 days after things out of committee get voted on), I don't know the state of most of these bills right now.
Interestingly, the agenda suggests that the pledge of allegiance was led by former Senator Victoria Mitchell, rather than Executive Vice President Taylor Allbright.
Onto the bills. Recall that I tend to skip bills that sponsor or fund events and groups, because I almost invariably know nothing about them.
A Bill in Support of the ASUC Advocacy Agenda: This year's proposed advocacy agenda is in the works. A number of "issue briefs" are sent to each of three committees to turn them into "advocacy agenda items," each picking one to be prioritized. The titles are:
Committee 1: "Multicultural Center" "Comprehensive Admissions Reform" "UC Berkeley Desirability" "California DREAMin"
Committee 2: "Water Conservation" "Earthquake Readiness and Preparedness for Students" "Student Mental Health" "Campus Safety"
Committee 3: "Caesar Chavez Student Union and Lack of Student Recreational Facilities" "Accessible Academic Space" "Extra Surge Furniture in the Main Stacks and Moffitt Library During Finals Week" "Rising Book Costs" "EAP Programs to Israel and other countries" "Campus Prestigious Speakers Forum"
I might go into these issues in more detail at a later time. (The briefs came with the agenda packet)
A Bill in Support of the 9/11 Memorial Service on Upper Sproul: This is a bill that does what the title suggests. My understanding is that most of the advertising money was gutted by Financial Committee because it came out to about $850. The Daily Cal and Facebook ads were removed, leaving $54.81 or so for fliers.
A Resolution in Support of a Safe Facility for Student Athletes: This is the famed resolution reported on by the Daily Cal. I actually do have the new version from committee. It's notably sponsored by the four independent Senators. CalSERVE's Rebecca Coleman, at least, isn't particularly happy about it. The bill basically says the ASUC wants the place built and so the City Council needs to settle its lawsuit and get out of the way. I don't really expect much in the way of results, of course. The bill says that the discussion in closed session on the topic will be on September 11, but there's such a meeting today, as well. I don't know if that means there will be two such meetings.
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