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Nap Time!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007
To War!

Update: I also noticed that the ASUC is identified as the "undergraduate student government," a result of the Graduate Assembly's efforts to convince graduate students not to participate.

I stopped by the ASUC Wikipedia page. The intro hasn't changed (yay!), but someone has "corrected" "referenda" to "referendums" with the explanation "Consistency on plural of referendum using AWB." I don't actually know what that means.

Still, I've seen that "correction" quite a bit of late. What's up with that? "Referenda" sounds so much better than "referendums." Saying "referendums" feels like you get into an accident driving an oil tanker in the middle of a sentence, exploding and killing all words within 500 characters. Or something. You can't end a word with "-dums" and expect it to be taken seriously.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 8/18/2007 10:12:00 PM #
Comments (1)
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AWB is an automatic Wikipedia editor that searches for grammar and spelling issues. I agree that "referenda" sounds better, but it's actually worse Latin.
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