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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's time to solve a mystery: Is this letter a parody? (it also appeared in the SF Examiner)

Editors, Daily Planet:

For over two hours on July 21, Vice President Cheney held presidential power while Bush underwent a medical procedure. What executive orders did Acting President Cheney sign that might have given additional powers to the vice president? What secret “findings” did Cheney sign that might have authorized extra-legal activities by covert agencies? What pardons might Cheney have signed to free his convicted aid, Lewis Libby, or perhaps to shield Cheney's accomplice, Donald Rumsfeld?

How many investigative reporters has your news organization assigned to look for answers?

Bruce Joffe

What do you think? I'm voting "not a parody," which is rather sad. (isn't the narrative that Cheney controls Bush? Why would he need to wait until he gets official power when he could just make Bush do these things?) Does anyone think it is a parody?

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 7/31/2007 04:16:00 PM #
Comments (2)
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Probably not a parody:
- there are enough tons of Berzerkeleyites that actually think like this
- the letter is to the Daily Planet

Possibly a parody:
- the letter writer claims to be from Piedmont, a town with a little less crazy juice in the municipal water supply
- the reference to investigative reporters could be subtle humor (since, again, the letter is to the Daily Planet, which is less an investigative paper than it is an ideological broadsheet)
According to Robin Williams, Bush does not speak while Cheney is drinking water. (from "Live On Broadway")
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