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Nap Time!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Next on the comedy list: Student Judicial Affairs has sent a survey to students blessed by its touch:
Dear (namegoeshere),

As the facilitators of the Student Conduct process at Cal, we are conducting an online assessment survey to determine the effectiveness of our process and to request your comments and ideas about its effectiveness for you.()

(login information)

It is very important that you complete this assessment. We want to hear what you have to say, and then act on your behalf to improve our work. By completing the survey, you will make your experiences count.

Participating in the survey is completely voluntary, and will not affect your grades, registration or enrollment in any way. The survey takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the project, just reply to this email. Thanks for your input!

Neal Rajmaira

PLEASE NOTE: This message is not spam; it is an official UC survey.
So, does the survey treat students with respect and allow their voices to be heard, or does it just try to reinforce its importance and blame the student? Let's take a look:

Part 1: The Student Conduct Process

1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

Regardless of the outcome, based upon my experience in the UC Berkeley student disciplinary process, the process was fair.

PRIOR to my experience with Student Judicial Affairs, I was familiar with the campus rules, policies, and procedures that govern student behavior.

AFTER my experience with Student Judicial Affairs, I have a better understanding of the campus rules, policies, and procedures that govern student behavior.

I now feel better equipped to navigate bureaucracies and work with administrative processes at the University and elsewhere.
I especially like that last one: "Sure, we know our bureaucracy is ridiculous, but this'll give you training to deal with other folks' ridiculous bureaucracies."
2. Please detail an example or experience that expands on your answer to the LAST item above. What about your experience with Student Judicial Affairs leads you to your answer?

3. How would you describe the way that your Code of Student Conduct violation impacted the campus community and its expectations for student behavior?

4. I performed public service as part of the resolution of my case. Yes/No

5. I met with a staff member of the Cal Corps Public Service Center to discuss public service options as part of the resolution of my case. Yes/No
Now it's time for the really fun part that is vital to the workings of SJA:
Part 2: General Self-Assessment

6. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following items by choosing the position that most closely represents your opinion about that statement.

Being seen as a person of integrity is important to me.

I am able to articulate my priorities.

I believe I have a civic responsibility to the greater public.

I am open to others' ideas.

I stick with others through the difficult times.

I am genuine.

I am comfortable expressing myself.

I know where to find opportunities that allow me to contribute to my communities.

Creativity can come from conflict.
"Really. We helped you! Seriously!"
Greater understanding can come out of disagreement.

I am focused on my responsibilities.

I am willing to act for the rights of others.

I have the power to make a difference in my community.

Self-reflection is easy for me

It is important to me to act on my beliefs.

I participate in activities that contribute to the common good.

My actions are consistent with my values.

I work with others to make my communities better places.

The things about which I feel passionate have priority in my life.

I know myself pretty well.

I hold myself accountable for responsibilities I agree to.

I can be counted on to do my part.

I devote time and energy to things that are important to me.

I value differences in others.

Hearing differences in opinions enriches my thinking.

I share my ideas with others.

7. Any additional comments?

8. If you would be interested in participating in a FOCUS GROUP to help the Office of Student Life evaluate and develop leadership development programs for Cal students, please enter your EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW, and we will be in touch in the coming semester. Thanks!

THANK YOU for completing the Student Conduct Process assessment survey - we sincerely appreciate your time and your input!

- The Student Judicial Affairs Staff
I can see it now: "After careful review, we've discovered that many of the students we deal with are genuine."

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 6/22/2007 01:33:00 PM #
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