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Nap Time!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Once again, Critical Mass bicyclists (this time in Berkeley) engage in absolutely unacceptable behavior. There's a link to video. I'm willing to tolerate a lot, but there is simply no excuse for playing "Eye of the Tiger."

Update: Oh, Indymedia. It's never enough to report what happens, you need to make stuff up, too. Even Aussies are paying attention.
Two children who were traumatized cried
Well, yes, when you wave them around for cameras and bring them with you into a mob, that will happen.
Bicyclists managed to stop the attack when one was able to reach into the van's window and turn off the vehicle.
That's pretty clearly contradicted by the video, if you see when that window opens and compare to when the dude had stopped moving.
Two bicyclists report the motorist brandished a knife on them.
Hahaha! Right.

Despite my sympathy for the bicyclists, every time I read an Indymedia post I just feel like opposing whatever they're pushing, no matter what it is. I'm astounded that there are people who actually believe this stuff. Oh...
Get real, faux critics! It is well documented that many of the people posting all negativity like this are paid in the employ of corporations. In other words, suspect: car and petroleum companies are spending a small portion of their multibillion dollar advertising budget to undermine, sabotage and harass us.
... right. When it comes to advertising, oil companies know where the money belongs: In the hands of anonymous commenters at Indymedia.

Some of the other allegations might be true, but the bullshit they brought makes it impossible for me to take their word for it.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 5/12/2007 04:45:00 PM #
Comments (7)
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first, eye of the tiger is a wonderful song.

Second, that stupid website suggests that it's the fault of the "attacker" for "traumatizing" those little kids in orange sweatshirts. The, presumably, father holding them ensured that they would be affected by any negative instances by failing to remove them from the scene. That is a blasphemous claim.

Attacker should not have run over the bikes, but reactionaries like Critical Mass Riders are always asking for it.
Yeah, the child exploitation was pretty sad. Critical Mass wasn't asking for this, though. (Shouldn't that be "alleged" attacked at the BCLU?)
On Friday evening, I was about to turn onto Telegraph (in my car) when my passenger warned me not to get in the way of critical mass. Thank god.

Does anyone honestly believe that a 72-year old man in a minivan was out to get them? If cyclists were seriously injured, why did the angry mob decide to retaliate rather than tend to their comrades?

Disgraceful. To act that way in a city that already has an abundance of bike lanes and bicycle boulevards commands no respect.
Haha they were screaming that there were people stuck under the car, when in fact it was just their bikes. Apparently their bikes are as valuable as human life. Hilarious stuff (although I feel bad for those senior citizens).
the clog ripped you off!
sf gate says bikes cost 3000!

also: http://berkeley.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1235079 send hate mail there
I must say that was the most despicable thing that I've seen come from Critical Mass. That old man looked like he was frightened and confused and CM really hurt their cause that day. Good work idiots, I actually support your principles, but you just gave every right wing freak on the blogosphere fodder that makes it harder for the rest of us to work on these issues. Do the cause a favor and stay the hell home
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