Thursday, May 24, 2007
Finally! Illegal immigrants are safe, because the City of Berkeley has taken their side. (This should actually be cause for concern for them)
"I believe that all human beings deserve dignity," said Mario Zelaya, a Berkeley resident and a supporter of the group. "It's a crime to be treating any people like criminals. I'd like to see economic and social justice for the immigrants and all people." I doubt illegal immigrants would appreciate that "economic justice" all that much, as they'd suddenly no longer be in demand.
During a press conference held by the ralliers, Margot Pepper, who is a teacher at Rosa Parks Elementary School read a poem by Gerardo Espinoza, Pepper's former student who was deported to Mexico.
"He was headed for UC Berkeley. He was one of my top students," Pepper said after the conference. "It's a crime he was deported just because his skin was the wrong color." Oh? Which skin color was that? Were there any people of that skin color at the rally? If so, how have they escaped this race-based deportation?
It's too bad the Daily Cal did an amazing fluff piece for this kid, though, because now we can see the error in the paper by reading the same paper: Espinoza's an American citizen, and couldn't be deported.
Pepper said she believed Berkeley should be a sanctuary city because of the work immigrants contribute to the community.
"(There's) not one of us who has not been fed by immigrants or cared for by immigrants. The least the city of Berkeley can do is give back a little of that care." I think the way that exchange of care works is through a paycheck.
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