Friday, May 04, 2007
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I don't see a news story yet, but this may be awesome:
If there was a bright spot in Wednesday night's meeting, it was CalSERVE senator and future ASUC President Van Nguyen requesting less funds for the Office of the President. Though he made good on his campaign promise, the senate refused to indulge his request. For the future of the body, let's hope that isn't a trend. I say "may" because I don't really know the context. If the minutes ever show up, I'll have more to say. Maybe.
Anyway, if true, that's great, but I'm too lazy to really bother to find that out, or to find out why the Senate wasn't willing to have more money to use.
(And, uh, no, I didn't attend the 10-hour meeting, because it was too short for a budget meeting. A real budget meeting would've ended only four hours ago.)
(Comment from "Rita" (Encarnacion?): "I will not forget what happened last night in those chambers..." Add your own context!)
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