Wednesday, April 18, 2007
These are preliminary, and I have reason to believe some are wrong:
Polling Locations Amendment: 54.41%, fail Line of Succession Amendment: 83.08%, pass Greek Life Amendment: 27.92%, fail Squelch Fee: 33.99%, fail TGIF: 69.25%, pass Lower Sproul: 32.75%, fail Student Life: 35.40%, fail
President: Van Nguyen Executive Vice President: Taylor Allbright External Affairs Vice President: Danny Montes Academic Affairs Vice President: Curtis Lee Student Advocate: Ajay Krishnamurthy
Senators: Nadir Shams Winnie Kuo (APPLE) Danielle Duong (CalSERVE) Gabe Weiner (SQUELCH!) Roxanne Winston (CalSERVE) Maurice Seaty (CalSERVE) Dave Rhoads Grace Shen (Student Action) Christian Osmena (UNITE Greek) Chris Wong (Student Action) Jason Louie (UNITE Greek) Gabriela Urena (CalSERVE) Philip Kim (Student Action) Albert Wu (Student Action) Rebecca Coleman (CalSERVE) Scott Silver (Student Action) Daniel Galeon (CalSERVE) Lisa Patel (Student Action) Corey Jackson (Student Action) Chad Kunert (BCR)
Alternates: Shawn Jain (CalSERVE) Amanda Pouchot (UNITE Greek) Loretta Kwong (Student Action)
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