Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Next week
Next week, on ASUC, Senators may actually show up.
A Bill in Support of Open Records and Police Accountability: Yeah, that. The police disciplinary process thingamabober was closed due to some court case, and some bills are out to open it or some such. I'm very interested.
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF All Forms of Patriotism: Uh... So, this will strike the By-Law that requires the EVP to lead a pledge of allegiance at the beginning of each session. Not that folks have been following it, anyway.
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF Accessible ASUC Documents: This will include a reference sheet with distribution of the ASUC Constitution and By-Laws because they're long and convoluted, supposedly. I don't know what's on that reference sheet, though, since the bill packet follows with a blank page.
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF Existing Programs: This eliminates the Cal-FACTS program from the By-Laws, since no one was doing it anyway. I'm not sure that supports existing programs, but whatever.
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF Updated ASUC Documents: I guess this puts a specific procedure in place for updating ASUC documents, because the ASUC sucks at this. It's not clear whether this will be reflected in the stuff on the website which is accessible to the public.
A Bill in Support of Improved Communication with ASUC Officials: This will make sure that ASUC officials actually have contact information so that folks can use it, instead of just trying to guess for most of the year it takes to update any information.
A Bill in Support of the Creation of Senate Impeachment Procedures: Yay! Impeachment procedures! I believe this change will allow the Judicial Council to refuse to release names with opinions in the future. I don't think they really succeeded that well in adapting the JRPs. For instance, there is no procedure for recusing Senators from ruling on the hearing procedure itself even if they have a clear conflict of interest (e.g. are the people bringing the charges). This means that the plaintiffs will be able to rule on their own motions in the hearing. Also, the Senate can hear "questions of interpretation." ? There are still some comments, including "Do we think people should be able to waive their rights?" Yes, don't trust ASUC Judicial Councildudes to take care of their own rights. Also included are various contradictions in terms of due dates.
A Bill to Approve the ASUC Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of the Legal Challenge to Stop the Implementation of the Anti-Affirmative Action Proposal 2 in Michigan: Not actually attached.
A Bill in Support of the Greek Philanthropy Fund: This tries to screw around a bit with the rules for the Greek Philanthropy Fund, and adds some stuff. I believe it bars groups who got money from Contingency and/or Budgeting from receiving money from Philanthropy. Thus, I think it removes the restriction on Greek groups from seeking those funds in the first place.
A Bill in Support of Eshleman Safety: Spend $5,000 on buying new doors for Eshleman.
A Bill In Support Of the ASUC Senate Contingency Fund: More money from Carry Forward!
A Bill in Support of Graduation Stoles: Yay! More spending for Senators to congratulate themselves!
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