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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Drums are annoying as fuck

My head hurts like hell. Folks were banging on drums all day, while communists were bitching about... uh... something, with a bullhorn. Nadir Shams had the loudest, sharpest, most hell-inducing drum with his campaign.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 4/12/2007 02:36:00 PM #
Comments (5)
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speaking of nadir shams, i have been receiving multiple from the UCB_MUN listserve (models UN) telling me to vote for him, is this against the by laws? also, i was placed on his campaign email list without me knowing. im assuming he got my email through the email list of MUN.

possible charge?
If the group's leadership approves it, I don't believe it is illegal. It does, however, lead the candidate open to charges of favoritism when comes time to fund groups like the MUN.
In the real world, this is why political/voting organizations, even those involved with philanthropy, cannot recieve federal money or be written off taxes.

The groups leadership can approve using the MUN mailing list for campaigning by Shams. I don't believe it can approve giving your e-mail to Shams's campaign.
hmm cause i really have no idea how he got my email. the only emails i gotten from him are either mun related or his campaign related. i wonder how i can prove that thooo..
Sincere Apologies. Campaign materials were sent out through the list-serve of MUN with the consent of the Board, Officers, and Club beforehand. Spamming is not part of my strategy and emails have been sent out from my campaign list-serve to the clubs endorsing me. Please feel free to email me with any other issues so that I may help resolve them (no harm/annoyance or maliciousness was ever meant in any way).

Regards, Nadir Shams #56
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