Friday, March 23, 2007
More on referenda
The fee referenda seem to have changed from what they were in the minutes last week. I don't know why this is, or what process was used to do so this week. Right now, the Student Life fee's ballot question demonstrates an ability to count to two:
A $12.00 per semester mandatory student fee is proposed (beginning in Fall 2007 and continuing for 10 years, increasing $0.75 every Fall semester and growing to a maximum of $18.75 by 2016-17) to support ASUC SUPERB, Student Musical Activities (the Cal Band, UC Choral Ensembles, & UC Jazz Ensembles), graduate student groups, to release funds for the ASUC Student Government to reallocate to undergraduate student groups, and to be incorporated into student financial aid need assessments.
Do you approve of this fee? It looks like the rate of increase has changed as well.
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