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Nap Time!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Fun bad!

The Berkeley City Council voted against fun.
"We're kind of breaking new ground here, we haven't done this before," said Councilmember Linda Maio. "If it's really onerous and it's not working, we're going to hear about it."
It sounds like they're already hearing about it.

We're young adults, though. They can't do this to us. All we need to do is hold loud parties closer and closer, and they'll run away screaming. "Oh, no! Young people!" Students don't have the balls to really force Berkeley residents into submission, even though they have the power. Where's the ASUC External Veep candidate who's advocating threatening and bullying to get our way, instead of this lame bridge-building shit? I'll tell you where. BEARS-United.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 3/21/2007 11:47:00 PM #
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