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Nap Time!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007
And another

And on those Student Action campaign flyers which tout kinda-sorta accomplsihments... From 2003:
Second coming of Christ: DONE. Student Action." Or how about this one: "Stopped earthquake on Hayward Fault: DONE." I'd be impressed.

No, Student Action isn't claiming to have a part in any divine second coming nor to prevent expected geological disasters. But the accomplishments Student Action expects students to suck up from the real might-be-true "DONE" fliers aren't too far off from those unfathomable claims.

The craftiest of Student Action's "DONE" fliers claims that Student Action "stopped" the Fall 2002 fee increase.


The UC Board of Regents passed a midyear fee increase on Dec. 16, 2002 that currently has UC undergraduates paying $135 more than they did last semester. The fee increase happened, just not in the fall.

So to the extent that there was no "Fall 2002 fee increase," Student Action has it right. But party members by no means "stopped" any fee increase. I guess the word "postponed" doesn't fool as many voters as "stopped" does.
I wish the Daily Cal had the balls to directly ask them this year: "Why don't the RSF flyers mention the $40 fee increase that came with it?"

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 3/30/2007 12:07:00 AM #
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