Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Some stuff about polling locations
Vince Law has sent out an all-hands e-mail suggesting that he agrees with Jessica Wren that there's no way to save the money without axing polling locations. But an interesting thing I note is that "the GA is conducting a survey that will conclude tomorrow to determine how adversely graduate students will be effected by the elimination of the specific polling stations." (I'm not the kind of person who puts "[sic]" in my quotes, by the way, because I think it looks really stupid)
I wonder about the methodology of this survey. I certainly hope that if it's brought up in the Senate meeting, someone asks about it. If they just asked the Delegates, then they're going to get a very inaccurate picture.
Oh, and from his signature:
Senator, Associate Students of the University of California Do we start as assistant students, and become associate students, in the hopes of becoming full students in the future?
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