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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Some stuff about polling locations

Vince Law has sent out an all-hands e-mail suggesting that he agrees with Jessica Wren that there's no way to save the money without axing polling locations. But an interesting thing I note is that "the GA is conducting a survey that will conclude
tomorrow to determine how adversely graduate students will be effected by the elimination of the specific polling stations." (I'm not the kind of person who puts "[sic]" in my quotes, by the way, because I think it looks really stupid)

I wonder about the methodology of this survey. I certainly hope that if it's brought up in the Senate meeting, someone asks about it. If they just asked the Delegates, then they're going to get a very inaccurate picture.

Oh, and from his signature:
Senator, Associate Students of the University of California
Do we start as assistant students, and become associate students, in the hopes of becoming full students in the future?

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 2/20/2007 10:48:00 PM #
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