Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Next week, in Kaysurk
A Resolution In Opposition to the Second Response Ordinance Amendments: Read title. This is to oppose a change in that booze party thingamabober to make a 180-day probation period, rather than a 60-day one. In an excellent display of the effectiveness of the ASUC in expressing opinions, it's been pretty much accomplished through Igor and co.
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF REDUCING IMPEDIMENTS TO ONLINE VOTING: You can tell by the capitalization that this is one of Jeff Manssero's bills. The goal is to remove all the dumb rules that folks put in to prevent voter fraud in online elections. The rules were really fucking dumb. They are: Voting only between 9am-7pm (uh... way to eliminate one of the big advantages of online voting: no need to schedule time during the day to do it), 5-minute delay between login and voting (too bad, if you're using a public computer), and one vote per computer (download our software! And I hope you own your own computer!). While I imagine Student Action likes that these restrictions will be eliminated, as it will make their job easier, there's a limit to how far you can take being a partisan whore.
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF ASUC MEMBERSHIP: This is the bill I got Jeff to write for me. (stuff here) It makes it possible to be a member! Basically, it now reads "If you want to be a member, you are!"
A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF 2007 JRP REVISIONS: This is the bill to pass the new JRP revisions.
A Bill in Support of Accurate By-Laws: Er... this looks a lot like a bill from two weeks ago, to strike Title XII of the by-laws regarding the now-illegal Diversity Scholarship Program. I dunno what the difference is, and I'm too lazy to find out.
A Resolution In Support of Eshleman Safety: Allocate TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for lighting in Lower Sproul. Also, it asks for more CSO dudes for Eshleman.
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