Monday, February 12, 2007
So, I didn't peform the joke I had planned on Josh Daniels, because it would be mean. I even bought him a chocolate flower.
The intended joke was to either stand him up completely or just show up late, and then say "Hey, I thought you were cool with demanding concessions and then failing to carry through on your obligations." He denies responsibility for last year's GA referendum. Apparently, all those people left. Leave a mess, and leave everyone else to clean up... it sounds just like Temina Madon.
Anyway, the summary was "Yeah, we suck, but why aren't you doing our job and helping?" I dunno if he was conceding how much they sucked because he thought that would make me more sympathetic, but all I got from the talk was "No one in the GA actually thinks about the basic foundations of government, so we need folks like you to volunteer to help, and to ignore every betrayal we've made in the past and trust us to take your recommendations seriously." The GA makes the ASUC look professional. If anyone really wants to take them up on that offer, let me know and I'll put you in touch, but I have better things to do than to try to convince GA delegates that they should design their government in an accountable way that communicates with graduate students in general, when that doesn't occur to them on their own.
Apparently, the fact that graduate students have the unfair power to vote in ASUC elections while also serving on the GA, which gets all their fees, is fine by Daniels, because "in practice," the ASUC is the undergradaute student government. I have to admit that this seems tough to square with the GA's demands for additional power in controlling ASUC elections. If they really wanted to do something with that control, they should propose GA elections to occur simultaneously. If anyone in the ASUC wants to take up that cause, have at it!
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