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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Does the ASUC want money?

Update: Ms. Wren has clarifications/corrections to the Daily Cal article. Unsurprisingly, it looks like Josh Daniels didn't know what the hell he was talking about, as I speculated here. From Ms. Wren:
What did the graduate students think they would have to be doing in April, considering the *temporary* Elections Council Selection Committee is dissolved upon confirmation of an ECC?

Apparently not.

The ASUC finally got around to nominating Jessica Wren for Elections Council Chair. The competition was tough, but after careful examination of all 1 applicants, Wren was nominated.
According to ASUC bylaws, Elections Council chair nominees should be approved by the eighth week of the academic year, but this year's nominations were delayed when a graduate student was not nominated for a position on the Temporary Committee on the Selection of the Elections Council Chair until November.

"There were a lot of interested (graduate) students, but the concern about the amount of work in April turned them off," said Graduate Assembly President Josh Daniels.

In past years, graduate students have not been required to sit on the selections committee to appoint an Elections Council chair, Daniels said.

But according to a memorandum by the ASUC and the Graduate Assembly passed last year, two of the six seats in the selections committee are now reserved for graduate students, with at least one nomination for a graduate student needed to appoint an Elections Council chair.
As a sidenote, one of the people who pushed hard for this change was Josh Daniels. Good job, guys! Good job!

Now, here's where we ask if the ASUC Senate has any balls. The Senate may be able to claim that the Graduate Assembly violated the terms of the agreement. If so, the Senate may also be able to withold funds to the GA, up to 2/7 of the fees that graduate students pay. Doing so would not only be fair (since graduate students are represented by the Senate, after all), it would also send a message to the GA that they need to get their shit together before making new demands on the ASUC. Oh, and it would also give them more money, which they should consider before trying to push another fee increase on us.

Of course, the Senate isn't interested in sending that message. The "give away money power to the unelected GA for no reason whatsoever" referendum was put on the ballot with the support of practically everyone in the Senate, excepting the few intelligent people in the ASUC, as defined by former Attorney General Nathan Royer.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 1/18/2007 11:03:00 AM #
Comments (2)
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Grrrr! What did the graduate students think they would have to be doing in April, considering the *temporary* Elections Council Selection Committee is dissolved upon confirmation of an ECC?
I want to make some points of clarification to the Daily Cal article:
1.I expressed no interest in being ECC again this year; The selection committe asked ME to apply in October. I obliged because I'm like that.
2. Re: Jen Avelino's prediction that elections "might be sloppy". Fuck that, last year's elections were incredibly well-run and I threw that shit together in, like, 6 weeks. I don't do "sloppy".
3. Can we please begin referring to me as Ms. Wren in the Daily Cal, like they do in the NY Times? That would be cute.
Exactly why is the GA being a corrupt cluster fuck news?
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