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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
We're ignorant! Yay!

The Chron bitches about the Pope. As you recall, the Pope was explaining that one needs to be critical and use reason to reach faith. As such, spreading religion by war is nonsense.

Or maybe you don't recall that, because the major news services were more interested in provoking a holy war than anything else. And The Chron falls for it.
But this out-of-nowhere example, plus no elaboration from Benedict, made for misunderstanding.
It was only out-of-nowhere with no elaboration if you weren't actually reading the speech, and instead getting your news from folks who want to see war.

Update: Tarek Abdel-Aleem bitches about the Pope, too, saying:
It would have been more tactful to quote the verse of the Holy Quran that persistently invites mankind to choose the religion they please by whatever means, including the logic by which the Pope so desperately appealed to.

The Quran's stipulation that "There shall be no compulsion in religion" is just one potentially more effective dialogue-facilitator the Pope could have used.
If you follow the link to the text, you'll see that he did.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 9/19/2006 12:57:00 PM #
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