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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Soliciting Evil Plot Ideas

Please leave a comment with your evil plot idea.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 9/07/2006 06:14:00 PM #
Comments (2)
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Maybe I could make other students pay for a service I like and they don't use. Or maybe some students could practice dirty politics and gain control of the nearly $1.5 million dollars in fees collected for student government.

Wait, someone beat me to those.
I was going to suggest writing an Executive Order to install your friends in office, but that's getting to be a little bit trite now.

Oh, here's a better idea -- target university students who drink instead of spending the money on inspecting foreign cargo at ports, feeding the homeless, or fighting terrorists like Osama bin Vakil. Er, bin Laden.
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