Monday, June 19, 2006
Dan Purnell has a column today bitching about people who believe in freedom. This time it's the NRA. His problem is that the comment "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" is unrelated to the issue that comes up when people talk about gun control, which is that they merely want restrictions and control, not an outright ban.
This argument would be a little easier to swallow if, in our experience, we saw it to be true. People who demand gun control are not merely looking for restrictions. Often, they are looking for bans. You can glance over at San Francisco, where an obviously unconstitutional measure banning guns for residents was thrown out. It really is the case that these people consider guns themselves to be evil. "If only we could get rid of the guns..." people think.
Here's a somewhat out-of-date piece on how wrong folks like Purnell are when they say bans are not the goal, and that the NRA is fighting a ghost that isn't there.
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