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Nap Time!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006
You've got to be fucking kidding me

Chris Page passes along some fascinating information. Whenever the GA has something to do with the Judicial Council, three members of the Judicial Council who were not nominated by the GA get kicked off.

Seriously, how fucking insane is this? Just get your damn independence. Don't act like petulant children like this, demanding that "Oh, wah, we want to make our own law, but retain all the benefits of being part of the ASUC."

I hope someone has the balls to fight the GA on this. Last year, the ASUC senate caved faster than a cave on Jupiter when the GA threw a hissy fit.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 3/26/2006 02:25:00 PM #
Comments (2)
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I wouldn't worry too much. I suspect the Judicial Council will find a way to throw this out before it becomes a problem.

The GA is pretty disgusting. Either they're too stupid to understand how a tripartite government works, or too corrupt to care.
I doubt it, actually. Mike Davis is gone, and the new justices were accepted by a senate which basically required them to be on the GA's side of things after last year's proper execution of the rules (which, of course, horrified the senate and the GA). The Judicial Council probably won't act on this.
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