Tuesday, March 14, 2006
We declare the issue settled
If only irony scored points. The argument seems to be that the debate on these cartoons is completely over. This is, of course, false. Those of us who look with a critical eye towards major press keep this incident in the back of our minds whenever newspapers try to convince us that they should be trusted as the arbiters of "what should be known." The cowardly flight of major news media, setting up the "threaten to kill us, and you can tell us what to cover" incentive structure, has not been forgotten.
In fact, we thought we'd covered this issue when the UC Irvine College Republicans showcased the cartoons a couple of weeks ago. The message then-that sensationalism solves nothing-still holds. You'd think the Patriot would get it.
"We declared the issue settled. How dare someone disagree?"
Printing the cartoons so late in the game amounts to little more than a waste of good ink.
The Daily Cal has no grounds to talk negatively about wasting good ink on cartoons.
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