Saturday, March 25, 2006
How... odd
This is one of the stranger things I've read. Some Christian dudes came to protest, I guess, popular culture, calling for a "Battle Cry for a Generation." But while most elites bitch about popular culture, they'll defend it when it gives them a chance to hate Christians, apparently.
Surpsisingly, the... uh... "protest" was condemned by the city. Officially. Like, resolution-passing officially.
They even managed to draw a... um... "counterprotest," including such characters as this.
That's bad news to Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who told counterprotesters at City Hall on Friday that while such fundamentalists may be small in number, "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco."
You know, a lot of people say similar things about gays. But it's okay when it's the Christians you're being a bigot towards.
"Are you ready to go to battle for your generation?" [protest leaderdude Ron Luce] asked, and the young people roared "yes!" and some waved triangular red flags flown from long, medieval-looking poles.
Medieval-looking poles? How much has the concept of a "pole" evolved since medieval times? In the picture I linked above, you can see some poles with flags on them. They're long thin rods. You know... poles. Medieval-looking, apparently, as opposed to modern poles, which are long thin rods. Here's another picture, where you can see the pole towards the right. That looks like PVC pipe. Medieval PVC pipe, apparently. With letters printed on the side of it, just like in medieval times.
"There is a real intolerancy to homosexuality in a lot of these organizations," said Peter Cobb, an organizer with Not In Our Name.
Not In Our Name is an anti-war group. You have a person from an anti-war group going out of his way to protest some people because they are Christians, despite how they are saying nothing about the war. And yet he is complaining about "a real intolerancy."
Earlier this week, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution condemning the "act of provocation" by what it termed an "anti-gay," "anti-choice" organization that aimed to "negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city."
See, you think the above was in "italics" tags, but it was actually in "irony" tags. "No! Keep that opinion away from our tolerant city!!!"
"Even if it is done by a Barnum & Bailey crowd with a tent and some snake oil, I think we need to pay attention to it," said Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who authored the condemnation resolution. "We should not fall asleep at the wheel."
Yeah, you've got to keep an eye on those Muslims. They may look harmless, but turn your back on them, and WHAM!!! Wait, did I say Muslims? I meant Christians. Heh. We'd never say such a thing about Muslims. We're tolerant here.
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