Friday, March 17, 2006
Another BDP Sprint
One, two, here we... uh... goo!
Yaman Salahi, on the lashing that isn't lashing:
The opening sentence of the article is that students have ambiguously "lash[ed] out against" the Cal Patriot in response. Unfortunately, this "lashing out" merely constitutes an isolated incident involving the disposal of a number of magazines, the mere opinions of campus Muslims that were offended by the publication, two editorials in the Daily Cal condemning the publication, and an educational event on the life of Muhammad on Thursday evening organized by the Cal Muslim Student Association.
I think that list is a bit too long to support his point. Now, when he writes "disposal of a number of magazines," we're talking about the paper-theft that is a tradition here on campus, right? Are we hiding actions behind euphemisms?
Romila Khanna's dictatorial tendencies are showing:
Can we not become a society where guns are handed out only to the police? Let our sense of looking out for our neighbors be the basis of security in our society.
I want to draw attention to the phrase "handed out." Her complaint is about how druggies and nutters and such get guns, which can and does occur illegally. In Khanna's ideal society, goods are apparently "handed out" by "society." This is apparently the natural way of thinking for this person.
The Daily Planet falls for what looks very much like astroturfing from Peter M. Toluzzi.
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