Saturday, February 04, 2006
Letter Jog!
Jim Swenson:
Regarding the inexcusable treatment of Cindy Sheehan during Tuesday's State of the Union T-shirt incident, someone please remind me: Exactly who hates our freedom?
I dunno. Captiol police? Inattentiveness? Women who don't feel that their children should have the right to go fight for their country?
Terry Black insists that conservative intolerance is far worse than liberal intolerance, because some folks once killed a gay guy. But even more importantly, because some folks once killed a gay guy, people shouldn't ever complain about liberal intolerance. This, apparently, is an example of liberal tolerance.
Carl Johnson, Robert Zweben, and Janet Buckley wonder where the Muslim outrage is at murder in the name of Islam. But Hanif Koya explains that "To tarnish, humiliate and degrade a prophet of God under the guise of 'freedom of speech' is the highest degree of immorality." Higher, apparently, than murder.
Speaking of which, they're still pissed, to the point of setting buildings on fire. Here's where a "Religion of Peace" joke is appropriate. I think we should start calling them the "Religion of Children," considering how they respond to what they consider a slight. Lashing out in anger in the general direction of the person who made them feel bad or offended... just as children do.
Souheila Al-Jadda of San Jose said she was not as upset with the Danish newspaper as with other publications that reprinted the caricatures.
"The republishing of it really shows malicious intent by the newspapers in European countries," she said. "I think that in Europe in particular, Muslims have become a minority (that) is looked down upon."
They should be looked down upon, if this is how they behave.
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