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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Sorry, Ben

I'm afraid I can't really buy Ben's justification for their "No on Prop. 73" efforts.

ASUC Senator Ben Narodick agreed, saying the statement printed on the flier, which was situated at the bottom of the quarter page in underlined font, informed students of the senate's position but was not intended to influence students' votes.

"The statement was informing, it was in no way campaigning," Narodick said. "Obviously we want the students to know that we are taking positions, but we never at any point asked people to vote either way."

Why bother, then? Why should folks care what the ASUC has to say on the issue?

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 12/06/2005 12:47:00 PM #
Comments (1)
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Well, most voter reg groups and CalDems and CalPubs are trying to influence folk to vote their way, which you specifically said wasn't the point.
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