Thursday, December 08, 2005
Ignorant? Impossible
Okay, maybe it is possible. Ahem:
Thousands of miles away from UC Berkeley, graduate student Anthony Levandowski applied his industrial engineering talents in the waters of Australia to become a "human dolphin" for Animal Planet's new show, "Chasing Nature," last week.
Now, Levandowski is not, to my knowledge, an industrial engineering grad student. (I acutally can't confirm that he's a mechanical engineering grad student as the article claims, but meh, let's just assume they're right). Apparently, to The Daily Cal, industrial engineering, the design of industrial systems like factories, production lines, transportation networks, etc., is indistinguishable from mechanical engineering, the design of things like machines and dolphin-leapamabobers.
But what do I know? I'm just a chemistry grad student, according to The Daily Cal.
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