Monday, November 21, 2005
Injun Joe says:
Our own local intellectuals like Darryl Stein waste no time in showing their ignorance of "the masses."
Today, the portrayal of American Indians in popular culture does little to help. Considering the primary exposure that most Americans have to indigenous peoples is through the derogatory mascots of sports teams, is it really surprising that the problems they face are not taken seriously?
Does Stein know anyone who forms their opinion of American Indians through team mascots? Or does he just assume that's the case for the unwashed hordes who aren't as enlightened as he is?
Those of us who lived with the unwashed hordes know that the connection between American Indians: The People and American Indians: The Mascots is usually not even calculated in our heads. The mascots are cartoons. The portrayal of American Indians in popular culture does affect impressions, but it's through things like TV, not giant stuffed people.
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