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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bob 2.0, on the affirmative action train.

"We will not be able to have an environment which I consider non-discriminatory until we repeal 209," Birgeneau said.

Repealing 209 means allowing the imposition different standards on students based on their race. So, using the substitution law, we have:

"We will not be able to have an environment which I consider non-discriminatory until we allow the imposition of different standards on students based on their race."

I think I'll chill in the discriminatory environment, then, if it's all the same to you.

"I think both our alumni and the government are going to have to stand up to the plate," Birgeneau said.

Damn Canadians. You don't stand up to the plate as if you're fighting off platal oppression. You step up to it.

"He didn't specifically address all of affirmative action," said graduate student Karen Krushwitz. "But I was especially impressed with the compassion for Hispanics ... in a Hispanic state."

That is impressive! I think. Because, compassion for Hispanics in a non-Hispanic state would be... uh... less impressive... I guess... as would compassion for people of all races... and... uh...

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 11/10/2005 12:10:00 PM #
Comments (1)
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yeah, and the fact that CA is a "Hispanic state" only if you ignore the fact: i) that there are still more whites than Latinos in CA; and, ii) that there are still more people who speak English than Spanish.
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