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Nap Time!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005
Your opinion is inferior

There's a lot of Ha! Ha! in today's Planet letters section.

Sarah Fong doesn't want to blame the victim.

As a friend of Meleia's, it only adds salt to the wound of losing a friend to hear people attempt to blame her in her own death. Not only is it ludicrous to blame the victim, but it is entirely unrealistic to believe that the police would pay any mind to a phone call reporting disrespectful young men.

Well, she has a point. Calling a pal with a gun turned out much better.

I have heard and read all kinds of commentary on the death of a friend and yet hardly any of it has been about the real issues. Why is no one talking about the presence of guns in the streets and the ease with which they can be accessed? What about gun control? Why is no one concerned about the way men treat women? It has gotten to the point where many young women feel physically threatened simply walking down the street, why is this OK? What about the fact that many young people see violence as their only way of solving conflict?

In order: They are, what about it?, people whine about that all the time, no one said it was, what about the fact that your fact isn't true?

I don't see the point in attempting to blame a dead victim, because this line of reasoning does not change the facts of the case nor will it prevent this type of crime from reoccurring. We need to look at and take action on the core issues: gun control, violence among young people (much of which is directed at women), and finally the attitude of some young men who feel that it is their right and privileged to disrespect women—which is an act of violence in and of itself.

*tear* Sarah seems to think it's much better to blame the alive victims. I disagree. Alive victims can talk back.

Dorothy Snodgrass is named Snodgrass. Haha. HAHAHA! Well, maybe not, people often write to the Planet with fake names. Anyway, she's all "Yay for that pissed off mom who feels that her son's sacrifice was her own!"

I'm eagerly waiting news that you've agreed to meet with Cindy Sheehan once you've cleared the brush at your Crawford ranch.

Well, wait no more! They already met! Actually, they met last year, so you've got some negative eager waiting to undo.

While you've frequently stated that you don't read newspapers or watch television news, I assume you've heard from your staff that the anti-war activist, Cindy Sheehan, has been camped, in boiling sun, on the road outside your ranch.

In boiling sun!!! That's totally Bush's fault. God forbid she... you know... go home, to not-in-boiling-sun.

For this reason, she's hoping that you'll come out and meet with her to explain why Casey's death was justified. So far, only two senior officials have met with her.

Only two senior officials? Pathetic! I can see four or five senior officials at the drop of a hat, whenever I feel like it.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 8/12/2005 09:59:00 AM #
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