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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Daily Cal website is down, which is a shame, because there's actually some stuff to comment on today. Among them:

An actual comment on a RebC column.

Another "Hey, Calstuff covered it, and so should we" comment.

And, the one I'll do here, a study on how ethanol is not a feasible energy source, because it uses more energy than it takes. (Link now available) I haven't seen the study, or its competing studies, and I don't want to read them, so I won't comment on the study itself.

I will comment on the bitching from Brian Jennings, Executive Veep of the American Coalition for Ethanol.

"These two so-called researchers don't have any credibility," Jennings said. "If you follow the money, you know that Tad Patzek is the director of the UC Oil Consortium."

OMG conflict of interest! He can't be trusted. Instead, let's trust the impartial fellow from the American Coalition for Ethanol. He's got plenty of credibility.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 8/04/2005 02:16:00 PM #
Comments (3)
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Ya know, you can post commentary about my column without linking to it. Try typing.

I'm waiting with baited breath!
No can do. But maybe you can catch some fish with your breath, so it'll all work out.
Homophones make me cry.
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