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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Let's see how you did!

What did I learn?

Contrary to what scientists thought just a few years ago, your brain continues to develop throughout the teenage years and probably into your early 20s.

Psshh. Everyone knows that scientists are always right the first time. This statement is false!

Incorrect? Assholes.

One of the brain regions that changes during the late adolescent years plays an important role in things like planning and decision-making.

Well, it's either the cerebellum or the frontal lobe. They mentioned the frontal lobe a lot, but they never even touched on the cerebellum. I don't want that part of my brain feeling left out, so I'll guess it.

Incorrect again? Maybe in your brain. "While alcohol does impair the cerebellum, it's not the brain region we're looking for here." What is this? "What's in my pocket?"

Well, they ask the exact same question again, but I'm sure it's a trick, so I'll go with cerebellum again.

Wrong again? Darn. I guess I couldn't get the two-choice question on two tries. I wonder if that has anything to do with my cerebellum...

This part of the brain plays a very important role in learning and memory. Alcohol affects memory in part by impairing how this area of the brain works. Alcohol affects this part of the brain more in adolescents than adults.

Which part of the brain are we referring to?

I know this one. It's the cerebellum!

Incorrect again? You bitches! Well, I'll guess it again.

Still wrong? Geez. Tough crowd.

Anyway, that's it for chapter 2. Chapter 3 next time! "When it matters."

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 7/26/2005 05:22:00 PM #
Comments (2)
. . .
thanks for the help...

now that i know your answers are incorrect...i can cross one out...and if its a or b... ill get it correct every time...w00t

thanks again
that was hilarious, thanks
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