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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005
AlcoholEdu, the pre-test, part II

All right, more questions to show my vast alcoholic knowledge on.

11. To decrease chances of overdosing on alcohol, one should:

Well, the real answer is to drink more, to dilute the alcohol already in your body, but that's not an option. But I love coffee (see question 3), so I'll say "Drink coffee before drinking alcohol."

12. An example of a standard drink would be which of the following?

Whatever's in my stomach. Haha! But seriously, I'll say...... "12 ounces of 40% liquor." Which, combined with my 25-drinks-last-Saturday comment means I drank the equivalent of 2.3 gallons of 40% liquor in a 1-minute period.

13. It is possible to cure a hangover with/by:

Well, hangovers are caused by drinking, and not at all by dehydration, so I'm sure the answer is "Avoiding liquids the next day." On the other hand, the best way to deal with a headache is "A small amount of alcohol the next day," and since I have a lot of drinking to fit into my days, I'd best go with that.

14. A "blackout" refers to:

A power outage. But that's not one of the choices. Still, it has to do with cutting back on output. Hence, the logical answer is "Withdrawal symptoms experienced by alcoholics." Spock would be proud.

15. The point of much of the advertising designed by alcohol manufacturers is to:

Tell us the truth. For social commentators out there, I'm going to list all the answers, though, and recall that this course is advertised as "non-opinionated." The choices are "Highlight the social costs of not drinking," "Show the real hazards of choosing to drink too early in life," "Get people to choose their brand early in life," and my answer, "Convince people that drinking is healthy." And it worked!

16. High risk ("binge") drinking refers to:

That's loser drinking. "Any kind of drinking alone." You should drink at parties in huge quantities, obviously. That's low-risk.

17. Date-rape drugs work by:

It's hard to tell, since they're supposed to be secretly slipped into my drink. But then, if you look at my list of extra-curricular drug habits, one hardly needs to bother. Still, clumsy oafs sometimes let me see them, and that always has the effect of "Temporarily increasing sex drive."

18. The proportion of American college students who choose to abstain from alcohol is approximately:

Psshh. What losers. Well, everyone I know drinks, so I'm sure the answer is the smallest available: "Less than 10%."

19. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities:

Well, I run over about three people on the way home everyday, even though I don't remember. It never caused me trouble, though, so I'm sure the answer is that they "Are less of a concern for college students than older drivers."

20. Attitudes about drinking can be influenced by the home environment if:

Well, all of these answers are plausible, too. Still, I'm rebellious, so that means "Both parents abstain from drinking."

Okay, now I'm finally done. Right? Oh, thank God. Oh, and they tell us that "It is no our purpose to make judgements - we just want to give you the opportunity to think about your behaviors in a new way." Nor, apparently, is it their purpose to proofread. More on where I fit in with everyone else next.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 7/21/2005 12:08:00 AM #
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"Ill take your AcoholED course for you
Send me 10 dollars paypal to dadbag@xaqtly.com and you won't have to waste a minute taking that shit."

from: http://www.livejournal.com/community/ucberkeley/1021473.html
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