Monday, May 23, 2005
Lemme vote!
Berkeley High students want to vote.
Argument A: Many young folk pay taxes, but don't get to vote. Note A: Many old folks don't pay taxes, yet do get to vote.
Argument B: Even if young folk are too ignorant to vote, this standard isn't applied in general to old folk. Note B: See note A. Argument B renders Argument A irrelevant.
Argument C: If young folk get the right to vote, voter turnout will increase. Note C: See dramatic increase in voter turnout that accompanied lowering the voter age to 18.
So, essentially we have argument B left over, which means that anyone should be allowed to vote. Including young folk. Like, 3-year-old young folks. And maybe dogs.
Sorry, kids, an arbitrary line has to be drawn somewhere.
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