Saturday, April 02, 2005
Finally, the BUE!
The Student Advocate is charged with making up excuses for liars and cheats. Also for Zionists.
I don't know who the hell these people are, and I really don't care. Mahin Ibrahim and Kiren Rizvi get my endorsement, since they didn't say anything stupid.
Vikrum Aiyer is essentially running unopposed, despite what the ballot may say.
Nare Avagyan wants you to vote for him because he'll be really loud, I guess.
Let's review the names up for election so far:
Mahin Ibrahim Kiren Rizvi Vikrum Aiyer Nare Avagyan
The SQUELCH! candidate, Mitch Rodricks, is made of purple jellybeans, I'm told.
Finally, Yvette Felarca wants to be Student Advocate so she can shakedown the ASUC more effectively.
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