Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Yay, some more
Our department's GA rep has graciously sent us an e-mail telling us to vote for the health fee. What a pain. I'm almost inclined to use the mailing list to say "don't vote for the health fee," but unlike some folks, I see that as an abuse of resources.
Oh, and if you haven't got enough bologna about the health fee, check out this gem from JonP where, as I accurately predicted, he would use BCR's opposition of this fee as a reason to vote for it. But seriously, read this:
The health care referendum also represents a unique opportunity to radically reduce total health care costs for Berkeley students across the board by pooling risk across the entire student body.
Yeah. That's the kind of thing the supporters are trying to convince us with. Pooling risk reduces costs across the board. You don't need a degree in economics to find that hilarious. Insurance?
Anyway, I think I disagree with The Patriot about not voting. It may be better for us to oppose it by voting no. For one thing, I'm getting the feeling that 20% will be reached, and I think we should be more worried about other people seeing "Huge margin of victory for fee increase" and deciding that fees should be increased more often.
In the long term, it might be worthwhile to look into trying to change the referendum process so that voting "No" can't cause a referendum to pass. Perhaps The Patriot will hop on board with that idea. At the very least, it'll be hilarious to see people oppose it on the grounds that The Patriot supports it. It'll be even more hilarious if we tried to defund the ASUC with the referendum process. But I don't have that kind of time.
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