Thursday, March 31, 2005
People will be impressed by anything. I'm impressed that they write that the dude is 39, right next to a picture of... well... someone who is not 39.
But "Blow the Artists, by the Daily Cal" is not over yet. Next, we have "Oh, no! Artists are getting kicked out for useful people!"
Some dude named Willie Phillips says:
"Artists are becoming very much part of that marginalized class, in a sense."
Well, that's because your contribution so society is marginal, in a sense.
Some dude named Timothy Rempel says: developments are not intended for "financially unsuccessful artists."
Usually, new developments are not intended for financially unsuccessful anybody.
"West Berkeley is really going to lose those people," says Betsey Strange, a painter who has lived and worked in the area since she graduated from UC Berkeley in 1978. "I think it's going to be a real detriment to the neighborhood."
"I'm important! Really! I swear it! I'm really, really important!!! Why won't anyone believe me?"
Some fear the area's transformation will permanently change its culture.
"If industrial property gets converted into commercial, West Berkeley will have a very tough time maintaining its identity," says Mary Lou Van Deventer, the operations manager of Urban Ore, a recycling depot which serves artists and artisans. "Once you lose industrial land to shopping malls or condos, it will never go back to industry."
Well, we liberals don't fear change, like you nutty conservatives do.
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