Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Do we really need an ASUC senate? UCLA is toying with the idea, and here's an interesting thought.
Why have a senate? The primary function of a senate – and you can trace this as far back as ancient Rome – is to put a check on a powerful, centralized executive. But when it comes to student governments, this function makes no sense.
"Student government" is actually a misleading phrase because the real function of these offices is not government, but advocacy. So why would we want to check the powers of our chief advocates? It's like putting a doctor's decisions to a vote during surgery. The UC Board of Regents and our vice chancellors put enough limitations on student bodies. Why should we handicap ourselves further?
Now, the main function of our student government is not advocacy, it's handing out money to student groups. This may actually be a consequence of the existence of our senate. Of course, I prefer the current approach, because student advocacy accomplishes two things, and neither one involves effecting change for the benefit of students.
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