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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

ASUC News!

I never read the ASUC ad in the Daily Cal. Except today. Thank goodness, because there's a lot of funny there.

First, the two missing senators from the ASUCies have their goals up.

Natasha Dandavati, despite having been in the ASUC since last semester, still has no picture, even though newcomer Betty Duong already does. This leads me to the obvious conclusion, that Dandavati is an alien, a robot, or a claymation character. Since she's from the International and Out of State Students party, it's obvious that she'd have goals tuned towards international and out-of-state students like:

Interfaith Dialogue
Educate on issues of underrepresented groups
Increase political awareness

Wait a second, those have nothing to do with international and out-of-state students. Oh, well, I guess you could argue that CalSERVE doesn't serve anyone, Student Action does nothing, and APPLE-Engineering doesn't taste anything like an engineered apple.

Betty Duong has goals that you need to sit down to read. She wants a Southeast Asian Commencement, because clearly Southeast Asians are totally different from the rest of us and need to be properly segregated so we don't mistake them from normal graduates and accidentally treat them as qualified. She also wants a "Culturally Competent Senate," which means... uh... um...

Also mentioned is SB 33, a bill in support of "The Safeguard Student Health Fee and Referendum," which I've
mentioned before as being a really bad idea. Of course, no senator has the balls to actually stand up for student interests when an opportunity to look warm and fuzzy on our dime shows up, so I expect it to pass handily. Also, that's a funny name. It should be called the "Extra fee to make Temina Madon feel good about herself," because that's all it's going to accomplish.

Did you know Dena Takruri will fight for more left-handed desks? Since we know left-handers are evil, this means Takruri plans on making the campus more evil-friendly. Is this the kind of person we want in office?

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 2/22/2005 05:55:00 PM #
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