Sunday, January 09, 2005
You're not helping
Down near the bottom of The Daily Planet's letters to the editor you can find a letter from Jane Stillwater talking about how no one wanted to hear her proof of how Bush stole the election. This just goes to remind folks that building up a repuation as a nut means no one really cares what you or anyone who sounds like you has to say. Check out line one of her proof:
"Five convicted felons wrote the Diebold software!"
Man, that is proof. But that doesn't take the cake. This does:
"Plus two stolen U.S. presidential elections in a row should surely make the Guinness Book of World Records."
Two stolen elections hardly makes a world record. We don't have enough fingers to count the number of countries that have "stolen elections" every election cycle.
Scroll up a tad and you can see Armin Wright whining about John Yoo, the law professor who dares to make legal arguments in favor of some agenda. Because that's not what lawyers do. No way. About Justice Clarence Thomas getting big money in gifts:
I suppose John fantasizes that it’s just charm that attracts this kind of largesse, not the fact that Thomas can pass judgments affecting people’s lives and fortunes. Frankly, I think I am pretty charming, and I haven’t garnered $42,200 in gifts in over 68 years. I guess some professions are just inherently more charming than engineering.
No one who calls himself "charming" is actually charming. Here's my hint: Important people know rich people, and rich people give expensive gifts. Just ask (boring actor in brief actor/actress relationship).
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