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Nap Time!!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Quick Election Guide

Tired of digging through the mess of slanted opinions to find out how to vote on your favorite issues? Beetle Beat presents the one-sentence position summary on various controversial issues:

President/Vice President
Bush: God damn, I hate those damn liberals.
Kerry: Generic, non-denominational, and possibly nonexistent diety damn, I hate those damn conservatives.

U.S. Senator
Barbara Boxer: I support Barbara Boxer.
Other guy: I oppose Barbara Boxer.

Prop 60 (Keep primary system the same)
Yes: OMG, my party is doomed if this passes!!!
No: I don't really feel like changing the constitution, what with the paperwork and all.

Prop 62 (Blanket primaries)
Yes: G'hehe... I can totally shut out the other party with this one.
No: See Prop 60, yes.

Prop 66 (Three Strikes Reform)
Yes: I don't like thinking about things in context, so I'll just throw a hysterical fit when I hear about someone going to jail for 25 years for stealing a toaster.
No: Bad things should happen to bad people.

Measure Q (Prostitution decriminalization)
Yes: Read No. That's the position of "The Man." I want to oppose "The Man."
No: Ewwwwwww. Prostitution.

We hope this has been helpful.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 11/01/2004 01:48:00 PM #
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